烤炉: r. lansdale小说改编五星已经不需要理由了
一不小心就上了:故事很童话很小儿科一见钟情的老套路箭在弦上 电视剧最后所有动物们跑来大战女巫美人鱼用歌声唤醒男主男主水下救女主开船撞死女巫这也太扯了印象最深的是那只八爪女巫
正能量: most people will be welcomed home, by jumping dogs and squrealing kids. Their spouses will ask about their day, and tonight they'll sleep. The stars will forth from their daytime hiding places. And one of those lights, slightly brighter than the rest, will be my wingtip passing over.
兲乐:高中时看的就记得周迅打酱油了高圆圆漂亮一辆自行车引发的事件当时是看不懂箭在弦上 电视剧现在也一点不想再看了